
Hills or Valleys?!?

Hills or Valleys?!?

I used to run through both without a problem - today I got stuck and wanted to stay in the valley. Sound familiar? Can you relate? This week - I got some disappointing news on a few things leading me to my next chapter. So today I woke up mentally beat. But I don’t...

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Is there true joy after devastation?

Is there true joy after devastation?

When we walk through devastating times, we wonder why am I walking this path?  Can life really be good again, will I ever experience joy again or feel like I am fulfilling a purpose here on this earth other than suffering? All of these questions go through my mind...

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You never know what someone may be going through

You never know what someone may be going through

We all have ups and downs in life, I used to call them valleys and peaks. What I did not realize is that sometimes there is a crevice in a person's life that is trying to swallow them whole, and it takes everything they have to keep from succumbing to that crack in...

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If you knew your end was near…

If you knew your end was near…

I hate cancer - yes - I say it regularly - CANCER SUCKS....  But sometimes, just sometimes it actually provides much needed clarity?  So my question for you is - if you knew your time on this earth was nearing its end, what would you do differently? Last week, one of...

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I am glad it is you and not me   – WHAT????

I am glad it is you and not me – WHAT????

Are you kidding me? Yesterday I was talking on the phone with one of my new survivors. We are just getting to know each other, but we have became fast friends, she even called me her new bestie by the end of the conversation - YESSS!! Guess what people, you can have...

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I never dreamed Club Hope was created for ME…

I never dreamed Club Hope was created for ME…

When God gave me the vision of Club Hope and Survivor 2.0, I had no doubt it would help so many people find HOPE when they found themselves in dark places and all alone. However, in my wildest imagination, I never knew that one day, that person was going to be me... I...

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